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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Taken Too Soon

Well, yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. My beloved father-in-law passed away unexpectedly. Ron had recently lost a toe to diabetes and was recovering from that. Eric took him to the doctors yesterday to get the foot checked and the doctor said everything looked ok. After the appointment Ron started throwing up and saying his sugar was low. So Eric got him some juice and some glucose tabs but Ron was still throwing up. When they got back to Ron and Rosie's, Ron said he was hungry so Rosie started to make him lunch. Then Rosie said she heard gargling coming from Ron and he was unresponsive. Rosie called 911, he wasn't breathing but had a pulse. They took Ron to Memorial Hospital where they tried to revive him but were unsuccessful. That was one of the worst phone calls I ever got. I think I am numb at this point and I am trying to stay strong for Eric but it's soo hard. They are doing an autopsy today and we will find out the cause of his death. Until then, I don't really know what do to.

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