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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rolling Machine!!!

Well, Emma is now rolling all over. Her sitter said she has done it their but Eric and I had yet to witness her rolling over. Last night we had put her on the floor to play like always and she was trying to get a toy that was just out of reach. We sat and watched her for a minute and before we knew it she was on her belly. She got her toy and rolled back to her back. She is still not a fan of tummy time but is staying on her belly for longer periods of time. Now she just finds it fun I guess. Eric says she's growing up too fast and he can't believe how big she is getting. We go for her 6 month check soon and it's amazing to me that it has been that long since she was born already. Anyways, that's the latest with Emma.

Friday, April 11, 2008

5 months 11 days......

I know I am such a horrible blogger. I need to put up current pics of Emma but when I am home I just want to spend time with her. It will get done, maybe this weekend I will put some up.

Emma is weighing in at 14 lbs. 14 oz. the other day when we went to see mom. She is still only on formula. We go to the doctors on April 29 for her 6 month, yes 6month, check. We will start giving her food then. Her daddy gave her a little taste of Snowman's vanilla soft ice cream the other day. She liked that. And her Uncle Mike gave her a little taste of frosting last month and she liked that too. Hopefully she will also enjoy fruits and veggies! Emma is totally in love with her jolly jumper! She thinks it's the best invention in the world! She spends hours in it. She is trying really really hard to sit up on her own. now that it has been nice out we have been going for walks and she seems to enjoy them for a little while and then gets bored and falls asleep. She's such a wonderful baby. She normally goes to bed around 7ish and I wake her at 5:30. she's happy all the time. I just love being a mom. It's such an amazing feeling!

Not too much else really going on. We are looking forward to Myrtle Beach in September. That's about it. Same old same old.

Hopefully I will get a chance to post pics this weekend. Until then.................